
Computer science


Immersive Labs - \ufeffCybersecurity - \ufeffS3: Access Policies Access control Create an access point (AP) \ufeffcalled metrolio-dev-ap attached to the metrolio-data-0839988e bucket. This should allow developers working in the dev vpc vpc-082360c740ff58612 \ufeffL using the role arn:aws: iam: :653308218118: role/metrolio-developer to list and get all objects in the bucket. Ensure you follow best practices of blocking public access. NOTE: • \ufeffThe AP policy editor in the console adds a whitespace character to the start of policies. This will result in a malformed policy; be sure to remove it. • \ufeffAWS often faces internal errors - \ufeffwe believe these to be race conditions - \ufeffwhen applying policies to new access points. You may need to re-apply the policy to the AP.

